
Job Sikhala’s son to run for parliament in his father’s place

Incarcerated CCC member Job Sikhala’s son Job Junior is set to contest the Zengeza West ward Member of Parliament seat in the place of his father who has been languishing in prison for the past 295 days.

Sikhala will be running in his father’s constituency.

News about this development was shared by prominent journalist Hopewell Chin’ono on the sidelines of the recently held Candidate selection process held Wednesday across the country.

Chin’ono has promised to back and mentor the young Job Sikhala Junior o become the best in politics.

Posting on Facebook he said;

I am glad that the son of Zimbabwe’s political prisoner, Job Sikhala is running for parliament.

This is a powerful statement that imprisoning his father will not imprison his father’s work.

His father is in prison for fighting for his people!

All the very best to Job Junior, and May the Lord guide you to be the political titan that your father is.

ZANUPF doesn’t want a Job Sikhala in parliament, but another Job Sikhala is now running in the same constituency!

He he running in his father’s constituency of Zengeza West.

If he wins, I will personally mentor him into being one of the greatest MPs of his generation.

We will use Zengeza West to set an example of what can be done outside ZANUPF corrupt rule especially in the health sector!

Job Sikhala's son to run as Zengeza West MP
Job Sikhala

Recently, news circulated of how CCC disowned jailed Sikhala.

In a post on Twitter that has since been deleted, the party wrote:

“Factual correction Hon Job Sikhala is not the vice chairman of CCC Zimbabwe. That designation belonged to the MDC Alliance and doesn’t pertain to the new organisation”.

Mr Sikhala was quoted in a local weekly newspaper warning his former friends-turned-betrayers of the wrath to come from him once he is freed.

Taking no prisoners, Mr Sikhala accused his former allies of abandoning him and leaving him when he needed them most and vowed to take revenge once he is out of remand prison.

But that apparently ruffled feathers in CCC where the leader is idolised and prompted the response that was immediately deleted after an outcry from the party’s supporters.

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