
Emtee, Jub Jub collabo stirs controversy

South African music sensations Jub Jub and Emtee have caused a stir on social media with the unveiling of the artwork for their upcoming collaboration.

The image, featuring a fusion of their faces, has sparked a heated debate among fans and critics alike.

The Controversial Artwork Creates Social Media Frenzy

Jub Jub took to social media to share the much-anticipated artwork, generating an immediate response from the online community. The visual representation, intended to capture the essence of their joint musical venture, has garnered mixed reactions.

Jub Jub and Emtee's Collab Creates Social Media Firestorm
Jub Jub and Emtee’s Collab Creates Social Media Firestorm (Image Credit: Twitter/jub jub

Some fans expressed excitement, eagerly anticipating the release of the song and applauding the artists for their collaboration. They found the unique combination of Jub Jub and Emtee’s faces to be a bold and intriguing artistic choice, which heightened their anticipation for the forthcoming track.

However, not everyone was impressed by the artwork. A wave of criticism washed over social media, with some users deeming it “scary” and “poorly done.” Detractors argued that the merging of the two faces appeared unsettling and lacked aesthetic appeal, failing to represent the musicians’ partnership in a visually pleasing manner.

Negative comments flooded the platforms, with remarks such as “Horrible artwork” and “This is awful” dominating the conversation. Critics expressed disappointment, believing that the artwork fell short of their expectations and that the artist could have executed it with greater skill and finesse.

Check out some of the reactions;


Eish the The Artwork lol. The artist could’ve done better.


This is so scary guys come on abanye bethu sisazolala Yoh ngathi ikhanda le Anaconda 🤞🏽🙈🙈


Yo this cover is the best I’ve seen in many years


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