
Olinda in nasty accident, accuses Love of using sangoma’s magic

UK-based businessman and controversial socialite Olinda Chapel was involved in an accident last month and has accused her erstwhile enemy of using some sangoma magic to kill her.

The car collision occurred in the United Kingdom and she has since got a new one from her insurance.

ALSO READ: Stunner Is Better Than Tytan: Olinda Chapel Exposes Tytan’s Juju

Olinda Chapel Speaks After The August Accident

Olinda revealed that the accident happened in August. She also alleged that the traffic mishap was caused by her erstwhile enemy, Rutendo Loveness Reid. Olinda and Loveness have a nasty relationship and always attack each other, even on Facebook.

The UK-based socialite posted:

“August yanga ine mamhepo 😂😂😂 Anyway iwe Ravhu dzokera kun’anga yako
mupuhwe refund. Insurance yakangotenga nyowani apo ndichiri mupenyu. Kana vanga one. Heeeee mota yakatorwa nezvi kwereti heeeee what what. Dzungu! Anyway rega ndimboisa heating yemu Range Rover kwatonhora🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Olinda Chapel involved in accident

Olinda Chapel shared images of the accident on her Facebook page. A white car air conditioning service van smashed her white Mercedes-Benz sedan on the left side.

Olinda’s car had half of its left side scratched, with only a tiny part of the vehicle peeled. The right side, where the socialite was sitting, was unscathed in the car crash.

Olinda Chapel’s followers on Facebook expressed gratitude that she was safe after the accident. Others shared their two cents on Loveness.


“Loveness anoroya you remember akamboita live achikutukira mai vako agadzira WhatsApp group achifurira vanhu kuti ukaenda ku Ohio utemwe nema bottles ubirwe passport uisirwe ma drugs mu drink. She is so evil 😈 she hates you so bad chawakamudyira chihombe Olinda.”


“Mhepo chaidzo zanu kubirira zvinemumvuri.”


“Loveness muroyi uyo I told you pawakamu adder palive ndikati Uyu inyoka arikutorecorder live.”


“Yanga ine mhepo chaiyo kungotenda Mwari neupenyu 🙏”


“Yaah taura hako,, thank God no munhu akakuvara.”

Loveness Responds To Accident Allegations

Rutendo Loveness Reid saw Olinda Chapel accusing her of witchcraft after her accident, and she had sharp words for the socialite:

“Before I waste money kuenda ku N’anga kunoroya chinhu chakafa Kare Kare ndotenga ma stambo Imbwa Iwe enda unowedzerwa mapiritsi e musoro.”

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