Local News

Man whips thief to death while tied to a tree

A 41-year-old man is in trouble with the law when he took the law into his own hands and reportedly whipped a suspected thief to death while he was tied to a tree.

According to reports, the suspected thief had attempted to steal from his homestead in Chipinge, in the early hours of yesterday.

Shumbeni Muyambo (39) is alleged to have gained entry into Wilton Mlambo’s house, through an open window, and was caught at around 1 am.

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National police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, confirmed the incident.

“Police in Chisumbanje have arrested Wilton Mlambo in connection with a case of murder which occurred at Guyo Village, Musikavanhu, in Chipinge on September 24, at about 1am,” he said.

“The victim, Shumbeni Muyambo died after the suspect tied him to a tree with an electric cable before whipping him with a sjambok.

“Muyambo had unlawfully gained entry into the suspect’s house through an open window.”

In Nkayi, police arrested Mthandazo Ndlovu (47), in connection with the murder of Happy Ncube (29) in a knife attack on Saturday at Mveliswa Village, Zinyangeni area, in Nkalakatha.

Ncube had attacked Ndlovu’s cousin before stealing two satchels.

Police in Lupane are appealing for information which may lead to the arrest of Clever Ngwenya (35) in connection with the murder of his parents, Mildress Ngwenya (71) and Simon Ngwenya (73), at a family gathering at Gwalubha Village in Mabhikwa, on September 21.

Clever stabbed his mother with a knife on the throat before stabbing his father on the throat with the same knife.

He also attempted to stab his two brothers, but they escaped.

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