South African News

Internet never forgets: Video of creche teacher assaulting child has resurfaced and people are angry

Internet users are angry after a video showing a Carletonville creche teacher assaulting a child for vomiting on her clothes and the school’s desk resurfaced.

The gruesome incident took place in 2019 which saw the arrest of the Ninnie’s Neurons Nursery School teacher, conviction, and sentencing.

The 40-year-old teacher, then, was given a five-year prison sentence in the Oberholzer Magistrate’s Court.

Creche Teacher Assaults Child

The video, which shows the woman slapping the little girl repeatedly on the head, has gone viral on social media and sparked public outrage with people calling for the creche to be shut down.

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Carletonville police spokesperson Warrant Officer Peter Masooa said the woman appeared in court on March 28 after a fellow teacher opened a case of assault on a minor against her.

In the video, the teacher is seen lowering the denim jeans of the child before she gives her a couple of smacks on the buttocks.

The child, who is crying softly, looks up at the teacher as she continues to use a cloth to clean up her own vomit on the small green plastic table in the classroom.

There are no other children seen in the clip.

“Why are you vomiting? Why?” the teacher is heard repeatedly asking the child as she towers above her, her hands on her hips.

The child, dressed in a pink jersey with her hair tied in a little bun, doesn’t answer but continues to scrub the desk.

The teacher then walks off shot and returns with a tissue, which she throws on the wet desk, telling the young child to wipe her face with it.

The child takes the tissue and begins to wipe her face, but all of a sudden the teacher hits her on the head numerous times.

The blows that land on the child’s head are loud, as the teacher repeatedly hits her.

Due to the graphic nature of the video, Harare Live will not be posting it directly here but you can visit the following link>>> WATCH VIDEO

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