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It’s man eat dog: Man bites pitbull dog to save three year old boy

In an unusual development, a man had to desperately bite his pitbull dog to save a three-year-old boy from further attacks on Saturday.

Takunda Junior Nyandoro was being mauled by two pitbull dogs when the man, only identified as Philip, decided to bite one of his dogs.

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According to reports, Phillip was jogging, accompanied by his two dogs, when they attacked Takunda.

As the dogs mauled Takunda, Phillip had to take some desperate measures, including biting one of his vicious dogs, to try and rescue the child.

The minor sustained serious head injuries and was rushed to Sally Mugabe Central Hospital for treatment.

Takunda’s father, Kelvin Nyandoro, lamented that Phillip showed no remorse.

“My child sustained serious head injuries, traumatised and is even showing signs of being disturbed by the incident.

“Had he not kept his head down during the attack, the vicious dog could have cut off his throat.

“What is disturbing me is the attitude shown by Phillip.

“Besides failing to lead his dogs, he disappeared from his house and never showed any remorse. His parents are also not forthcoming, as well as the investigating police officer.

Ndiri mushandi anotambura asina mari apa mwana wangu arikuda mari yakawanda yekuti arapwe, vakamurumisa nembwa dzavo havasikubatika,” said Kelvin.

Phillip could not be reached for his side of the story.

The case was reported at Machipisa Police Station.

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