Local News

Notoriously feared Gutu CIO agent dies in accident

A well-known member of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) in Mpandawana, Gutu, Masvingo Province, died in a car accident on Wednesday morning.

The Herald reports that Gilbert Mhere (37), was driving along the Gutu-Roy highway when his silver Toyota Hilux Reno veered off the road and overturned several times.

Mhere sustained deep cuts on the head and died instantly after his vehicle overturned at the 52 km-peg, before landing on its wheels.

Also Read: Top CIO operative dies suddenly

He was alone and driving towards Roy Business Centre when the accident happened.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesman in Masvingo Province, Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa, confirmed the accident, saying investigations are underway to establish the cause of the accident. He said:

The deceased, who worked in the President’s Department in Gutu, sustained head injuries and died on the spot. His body was taken to Gutu Mission Hospital mortuary.

According to The Mirror, Mhere will be remembered for storming Chatsworth Clinic on November 8, 2023, and assaulting Patrick Chimbare, a CCC activist admitted at the centre.

He allegedly forced the Police to handcuff Chimbare while in the clinic.

The Mirror reported that Chimbare made a Police report against Mhere and John Paradza’s campaigning manager Martin Nyikayaramba but Gutu Police has to date not taken any action.

Paradza is the Deputy Minister of Environment, Climate and Wildlife, ZANU PF Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs and Gutu West Member of Parliament.

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