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Security Guard Steals Rifle, Robs Four People

A SECURITY guard learned the hard way that crime does not pay after being sentenced to 12 years in prison last month for robbing four people of US$70 at Murambinda Growth Point.

Simbarashe Mutenga (23) committed the crimes within two hours of each other on the same day, while brandishing a firearm stolen from his employer, Cliff Security.

He appeared before Rusape regional magistrate, Mr Francis Mapfumo, unrepresented, and pleaded guilty to four counts of armed robbery.

Mr Mapfumo sentenced him to 12 years in prison, with two years suspended on the condition of good behavior.

Mr Marlon Makamba, the prosecutor, stated that Mutenga was apprehended with the US$70 and the stolen cellphone.

“On November 17, Mrs Jesman Pepukai was at her Taruvinga Butchery when she was approached by Mutenga who was armed with a 303 rifle. Mutenga pointed the firearm at Mrs Pepukai and ordered her to surrender all the money she had to him. He threatened her with death if she resisted. She surrendered her wallet containing US$23 to Mutenga and he left.

“Five minutes later, Mr Allan Sanangura was at his Sanaz Butchery when he was approached by the armed Mutenga. Mutenga loaded one live round into his firearm and pointed it at Mr Sanangura. He ordered him to surrender all the money he had. Mr Sanangura surrendered US$7 and $400 to Mutenga and he left,” said Mr Makamba.

Mr Makamba further told the court that Mutenga robbed a woman of a smartphone and another businessman of US$40.

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He was arrested the following day.

“Later that day, Mutenga approached Mr Tevera Muridzi who was standing at his gate chatting to his friend and pointed the firearm at him and asked him to surrender all his valuables. Mr Muridzi surrendered his cellphone and Mutenga went away.

“During the same night, Mr Last Murwisi was at his general dealer shop when he was approached by Mutenga who pointed the firearm at him. Mutenga ordered Mr Murwisi to surrender all the money he had. Murwisi surrendered US$40 and $600 and Mutenga disappeared into the darkness.

“All the four complainants made police reports on the same day and Mutenga was arrested the following day. He was found in possession of the 303 rifle, a damaged magazine, two live rounds, an Itel phone, US$73 and $60.-Manica Post

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