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Couple kills employer, steal his car, guns and plunges corpse into 40m deep mine shaft

In a shock incident, a young couple recently connived to kill its elderly employer and went on to dump his corpse in a disused mine shaft before helping itself on the victim’s property which included two firearms and a vehicle.

The incident was confirmed by police who have since arrested the couple.

“On 31/12/22, Police in Bulawayo acted on a tip-off and arrested Baron Chiguru (28) and his wife Sheila Ndlovu (29), who were employed as domestic workers at a plot in Inyathi, for allegedly killing their employer, Geneva Sibanda (62), and stealing the victim’s property comprising, a Nissan X-Trail vehicle, compressor, Lawn mower, refrigerator, four plate electric stove, two cell phones, two firearms, a Targa 32 pistol and a 303 riffle with a magazine of seven rounds,” police said via their social media handles Sunday.

“The suspects struck the victim with an axe and dumped the remains in a disused mine before stealing his property.”

Police said they have since retrieved the victim’s body from the 40m deep mine shaft and recovered some of the stolen property and the weapon used in the commission of the crime.


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