Local News

Kanengoni Arrested For Shooting Tuckshop Owner Dead

Hundreds of Mucheke residents filled the streets this morning when Police detectives brought Tafadzwa Kanengoni alias Doctor Soda Water arrested early this morning in connection with the murder of a popular tuckshop owner.

The crowd was baying for tattooed Kanengoni’s blood as he arrived under heavy Police escort at the scene of the crime along Kaguvi Street, Mucheke B Masvingo for indications.

A report in rMasvingo mirror indicates that Kanengoni who allegedly killed Michael Munhungowarwa (41) on Saturday evening was arrested at a girlfriend’s place in Zvishavane.

Masvingo Police Spokesperson Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa confirmed the story.

Tafadzwa Kanengoni
Tafadzwa Kanengoni

What happened: Tuckshop owner killed in cold blood, previous report

A MANHUNT has been launched by police for robbers who allegedly shot dead a Masvingo tuckshop owner and stole an unspecified amount of money. 

The incident occurred at around 9pm on Saturday.

Michael Munhungowarwa (41) was allegedly shot dead by robbers when he was preparing to leave the tuckshop for the day.

National Police spokesperson person Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed that investigations were underway.

“Police in Masvingo are appealing for information which may lead to the arrest of an unknown suspect who shot dead a tuckshop owner, Michael Munhungowarwa (41), with a pistol before stealing unknown amount of cash on January 07, 2023 at around 2100 hours along Kaguvi Street, Mucheke B, Masvingo.

“The suspect pounced at the tuckshop when the victim and his wife, Martha Taguta (26) were packing groceries while preparing to close the shop for the day. Anyone with information to report at any nearest Police Station.”

Anyone with information should contact any nearest police station.

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