South African News

Public urged not to circulate Tebogo Sepale tlof tlof videos

The police have urged the public to refrain from circulating an explicit video of suspended pastor and ANC councillor Tebogo Sepale.

The disgraced Sepale was arrested at the weekend in connection with two counts of statutory rαpe.

The provincial police spokesperson in North West, Sabata Mokgwabone, said a crimen injuria case was registered on Friday.

Sepale allegedly shared a nυde picture of his private parts with the complainant.

“A second and separate case, accusing the same suspect of two counts of statutory rαpe, was laid on Saturday evening, 6 May 2023, by the parents of two boys, both aged 15,” said Sepale.

“This after a recorded video of a man having sεxual intercourse with a boy went viral on social media platforms, including WhatsApp.”

Sepale is expected to appear in court on Tuesday.

Sunday World reported at the weekend that the ANC in North West has called on its political principals to fire Sepale after a video of him having tlof tlof with a male partner started doing rounds on social media.

In a self-recorded video that Harare Live has seen this week, a man believed to be Sepale can be seen exchanging low body blows inside a house while the pair is merrily whispering sweet nothings to each other.

The sεx tape has ruffled the branch executive committee’s (BEC) feathers, which released a statement calling for ANC leaders to dismiss Tebogo Sepale from his job as a councillor of Ward 25 in Matlosana municipality.

In the statement, which we have seen, the BEC said it had tolerated Sepale’s unbecoming, uncultured, anti-statesman and anti-congress behaviour and wants him out in the cold.

“In the interest of the organisation’s integrity, we call on the ANC to recall, with immediate effect, the councillor from his duties in order to allow him the time to clear his name and save our organisation as his employer,” reads the statement.

When contacted for comment, Sepale said that given the gravity of the matter, he would not comment until he had consulted with his lawyers.

“I’m still busy with my legal team, I cannot answer now. This thing is very serious,” he told Sunday World last week.

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