
Mnangagwa says he enjoys watching opposition infighting

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has laughed off the internal power fights in the opposition which have collapsed the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

After challenging Zanu PF in last year’s general elections, CCC was rocked by internal fights following the recalls of elected officials by self-appointed secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu.

Fed up by the power struggles, its leader, Nelson Chamisa dumped the opposition outfit saying Zanu PF elements had hijacked it.

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In a recent interview, Mnangagwa said he “enjoys” the opposition’s squabbles as they weaken its challenge to his government.

“If my opponents are fighting I enjoy it. Why would I bother to say I want a strong opposition so that they can challenge me? It is good to have opposition, our laws allow opposition.

“This is why opposition parties are here. They have their internal conflicts, and internal difficulties again it is legitimate to them. They must resolve their problems. They can not expect Zanu PF to go and intervene,” said Mnangagwa.

Zanu PF has been blamed by the opposition for playing a part in its internal wrangles, an allegation which the ruling party has dismissed.

The ruling party is accused of plotting with Tshabangu to pave the way for an extension of Mnangagwa’s term as the President.

The opposition has been widely criticised for lacking a formidable base to hold Zanu PF to account.

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