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Victims of Crowhill Farm Fraud Seek Police Intervention Against Florence and Felix Pambukani

Victims of a fraudulent land scheme at Crowhill Farm are urging the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) and the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) to take action against Florence and Felix Pambukani. The couple is accused of illegally selling land they do not own.

The scheme came to light when it was discovered that the Pambukanis were deceiving buyers with counterfeit court orders and urgent applications, despite court mandates to vacate the land. Close to 200 victims have reached out to reporter Courage Chabvongodza, and many diasporans have also lodged complaints with ZACC.

The victims demand justice and refunds. One anonymous victim expressed frustration, while another voiced fear due to the couple’s history of violence. The Pambukanis are also accused of forcibly evicting farmers and hiring thugs to attack workers at Wakefield Farm and illegally taking over Scotsdale Farm, resulting in the owner’s death in 2010 and the displacement of farm workers.

Efforts to contact the Pambukanis were unsuccessful. Victims are calling for a thorough ZACC investigation and swift ZRP action to stop the couple’s illegal activities.

Previously convicted of fraud, Florence and Felix Pambukani have withdrawn their High Court suit to prevent the eviction of illegal settlers at Crowhill Estate following a 2021 High Court eviction order. Their attempts to block the Sheriff’s actions through urgent applications have failed, as these cannot address past events.

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The High and Supreme Courts have barred the couple from selling land at Crowhill Estate. Crowhill Estate lawyer Mr. Timon Tabana confirmed that the couple’s urgent application was removed from the roll of urgent matters and subsequently withdrawn before Justice Lucy-Anne Mungwari.

The Pambukanis, claiming ownership of over 724 hectares, sought to stop evictions and demolitions. Mr. Tabana argued that their application lacked urgency, as it addressed past events conducted under due process.

Despite court orders, the Pambukanis have resumed illegal activities at Crowhill Estate, misleading buyers and posing as rightful owners.

Crowhill Private Limited, the legal owner, has tried to rectify the situation by inviting affected individuals to regularize their land status or face eviction. However, the couple’s continued activities have left many in financial distress.

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