
Doctor rips off baby’s head during childbirth

Brazilian police are investigating a doctor after he allegedly climbed on top of a pregnant woman’s stomach and decapitated the baby while trying to pull her out of her mother’s womb.

The incident took place in Hospital das Clinicas da UFMG on May 1 after Ranielly Santos, 34, was taken into hospital on April 24, 28 weeks into her pregnancy, over concerns for her high blood pressure, before doctors induced labour seven days later.

During the birth, the obstetrician, who has not been named, reportedly called Victor da Silva, the girl’s father, to observe when Santos gave birth to their child.

According to a report by Mail Online, the father watched the birth of his baby alongside Santos’s mother, and said he saw his daughter blinking and moving her mouth, which he said was proof the girl was alive and well.

“However, in a tragic turn of events, according to the family’s report to the police, the doctor climbed on to the mother’s belly as she attempted to pull the girl out, and ripped off the child’s head,” the publication said in its report.\

The Mirror cited Santos saying the surgeon tried to stitch her baby’s head back on after decapitation during birth.

The publication further cited the couple saying the hospital apologised for the botched delivery, offered to cover the funeral expenses and offered to provide a report from the medical examiner.

The family said the hospital also gave them documents to sign in an attempt to cover-up the incident. However, they refused and reported the matter to the police.

In a statement to a local publication, Itatiaia, the hospital expressed its regret over what happened and promised to make every effort to investigate the incident.

The baby’s body was released to the parents on Monday for burial.


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