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Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Responds to Tender Controversy

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has found itself embroiled in controversy following reports of irregular tenders awarded to certain individuals, Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, and Moses Mpofu and have been at the centre of allegations regarding the procurement of election materials, with claims of impropriety and lack of due process.

Reports have surfaced indicating that a South African company associated with the aforementioned individuals received a substantial payment of US$9 million just days before the election.

This payment was ostensibly for portable toilets and vests, with each toilet reportedly priced at an exorbitant US$3,800 and delivered significantly behind schedule.

Also Read: More trouble for Chivayo as investigations reveal another US$9 million ZEC scandal

The reported procurement irregularities and inflated costs have raised eyebrows and fueled suspicions of potential corruption within the commission.

In response to these serious allegations, ZEC has issued a statement vehemently denying any business relationship with Chivayo, Chimombe, and Mpofu.

The commission has emphasized that all materials procured for the 2023 Harmonised Elections were done so in strict adherence to procurement regulations, with rigorous oversight applied throughout the tender processes.

“We have noted with great concern social media posts and rumours circulating online, that are causing public alarm and despondency and we would like to put it on record that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has no contract nor did it procure any election material from or through individuals being mentioned in the reports,” part of the statement reads.

Furthermore, ZEC has challenged those making allegations to provide concrete evidence of any agreements with the individuals in question.

Moreover, ZEC has disputed the figures circulated in the media, asserting that the actual costs were significantly lower and that all election materials were delivered punctually.

“We want to also publicly declare that the actual amounts used for the procurement of all the election materials were far less than the figures being mischievously circulated on social media. All election materials procured during the 2023 Harmonised Elections were delivered on time,” the statement reads.

The commission has categorically stated that there were no contractual links between ZEC and the individuals implicated in the controversy and has sought to quash any insinuations of impropriety associated with the procurement processes.

Crucially, ZEC has reaffirmed that third parties were not involved in their procurement processes, aiming to dispel any doubts regarding the integrity of their procurement procedures. The commission has maintained that the reports and rumors circulating on social media are causing unwarranted public alarm and despondency, urging the public to disregard such misinformation and placing trust in the commission’s due diligence and adherence to procurement regulations.

“Any statements suggesting a contractual link between ZEC and these individuals for the supply of the 2023 Harmonised Elections materials are inaccurate, misleading and mischievous and therefore should be dismissed with the contempt it deserves. The Commission assures all its stakeholders that all procurements were above board,” the statement concluded.


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